The #1 Bed Bug Exterminator in Sevierville, Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, and the Surrounding Areas!
This process is where we go into your cabin or unit and do a thorough inspection and then perform a pre-treatment to prevent bed bugs from surviving if any are brought in. Most beds can be treated, however some bunkbeds like homemade built-ins cannot.
Some owners want this service once a year, some twice a year – which is entirely up to you. The majority of our cabin owners want a quarterly inspection and pre-treatment to guarantee their unit is staying bed bug free!
Cost averages $75 per bedroom with one bed and includes a 90 day warranty. All pre-treatments come with a 3 month warranty and no treatment fee!
To schedule an inspection and/or pre-treatment click on Overnight Rentals and fill-out the Inspection Information Form. I will then contact you for availibility to service!
If you have any questions, please fill out our contact form or give me a call at 865-742-2323.

Do you have or suspect you have bed bugs? Contact us!
If you have or think you have bed bugs one of the worst things you can do is wait to get the problem taken care of! Not only will the bed bugs be searching for a host to feed off of (which could be you, your family, friends, or your customers), but they can also spread to other properties/homes causing a terrible situation for those involved. We pride ourselves on fast response times and unbeatable customer service so if you think you have or know you have bed bugs contact us so we can help!